Saturday, June 26, 2021

A 3 generation family group effort Saturday made short work of these berries!!! AND, it was a lot of fun!! We will probably still have berries for 2-3 weeks. Hope to see you soon.  Joe and Robin


Friday, June 25, 2021

We had an unexpected guest at the farm today: "Jerry the Bearded Dragon" who went out in the field clinging on his friends shirt!  Then he came up to the  blueberry stand and showed off by balancing a blueberry on his nose!!   Picking will be fantastic tomorrow but come early to beat the heat!


Thursday, June 24, 2021

 Thursday, 3:30 PM

Well, we have had a steady flow of customers today including a lot

of hard working kids. The picture shows two families' kids after

picking a lot of berries and notice the smiles. They had a great time!!!!!!

Plenty of berries left for tomorrow and Saturday.    

Saturday, June 19, 2021

A customer shared the following email with us after picking Friday:
 So today I took the old family berry picking bucket out to Johnson Blueberry farm at Suqualena to pick berries. this bucket is over 100 years old and has always been the preferred bucket for berry picking

Thank you. Picking was great today. I hope the bucket lasts another 100 years.